Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Septic Tank Problems

Septic tanks can sometimes give you problems like back ups and it can overflow into the yard. It can damage your yard by causing nasty water to flood it and it can contaminate the area. You have to watch what you flush down the toilet because it can cause it to back up in your house. This can cause flooding to occur which can cause water damage to your floors, walls, and other things it gets on.

It can take thousands of dollars to repair the damages that the septic tank has done and a lot of things can get ruined due to it. You have to pump them out every so many years depending on the size of the septic tank. Because they can be small or big and of it is small they have to be pump every one and half or two years. A big one may not have to be pumped out for three to four years depending on the number of toilets and people in your home. If it gets blocked, the line can plug up the whole line that gos to your house. Even if you pump it out it can still cause problems for you like backing up into your house through the toilet, tubs, and sinks.

It can take hours to get it unclogged and if pumping it through the house does not work then you have to drive a snake through it. A snake will its way through the pipes and find the clogged spot. Sometimes you have to do it a few times to get the water to go through. You may also have to consider that the line could be broken and you will have a mess on your hands. If a sewer line breaks, the professionals will have to dig up the ground to find the broken line.

If a sewer line ruptures or comes apart, they will have to dig up the whole line all the way up to your house. They may have to dig up the septic tank so they can find the problem and so they can get it fixed for you. A faulty septic tank and its lines can cause a lot of damage to your home and your yard and it is important that both of them are problem free. Faulty septic lines that are broken do not always result in sewage backing up into the home. If you find an area in your yard where the septic line runs and it smells bad as well, you could have a broken or leaking septic line in this area. Since this is a nasty situation to have in your yard, you will have to call a water damage company to fix it.

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