Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Connection between your Property and the City Sewer System

For many people, the exact point where the sewer line on their property becomes part of the New York municipal or county sewer system is an area of nebulous misunderstanding. Read below to better understand this area:

Q: What is a "sewer lateral?"
A: A sewer lateral is the portion of the sanitary sewer line which connects a house’s or business plumbing to the city sewer system (called the sewer main). Sewer laterals are usually on your private property, while the sewer main, is usually all in the public right away (typically where the sidewalk is).

Q: What happens when sewer laterals age?
A: Old Sewer laterals in poor condition can result in leaks of raw sewage into the ground which may be a public health issue, smells bad and can result in sewer backups into your home.

Q: What are the problems associated with the sewer laterals?
A: Old homes often have never replaced their lateral lines. These laterals often become cracked or displaced or have root intrusion. Sometimes the pipes are so old they don't have good access for cleanout of blockages.

Q: What is the responsibility of the property owner?
A: The property owner, whether a commercial or a private homeowner, is responsible for maintaining any sewer lines that are on his/her property. That means that you are responsible for maintenance up the main in most cities.

Q: When is it time to replace my sewer lines?
A: It is a difficult dicision to know when the right time to replace your sewer line is. If you experience regular backups, despite cleanouts and maintenance it may be time. You should have a Westchester County video-camera sewer inspection done to determine the extent of the sewer line damage prior to have the line replaced.

Q: What does a sewer video-camera do for me?
A: Your New York State Sewer Contractor can help you to find the extent and location of your sewer problems with a sewer inspection Video Camera White plains. If your Westchester County Sewer Contractor determines from the video that you do need your lateral replaced, the video camera will help determine sewer depth, location, grade and possible the relationship to adjacent utilities.

Q: Should I do trenchless sewer replacement or traditional trenching?
A: If you have a landscape and or hardscape that you would like to preserve and you are concerned about the timeline you should consider trenchless sewer replacement Larchmont. If these are not issues, perhaps you will want to consider using cast iron pipe which is a good alternative.

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